Procedure for ordering

Pre-order enquiries

The first contact that most customers make is usually by means of email enquiry. Before you do so, you would be well-advised to first study all the information at the product page.

Upon enquiry you will usually be supplied with a standard price list. This is in order for you to establish affordability.
Once you are satisfied with the information and affordability you may request a written quotation. Written quotations are done in detail as they form the basis of invoices later on. You will therefore have to supply full company contact details.

Request a quotation

Ordering and payment

Once you have accepted a written quotation you can request a Proforma Invoice. Please note that in order to prevent fraud and insure the integrity of trading, South African currency exchange control is correlated with the national banking system. Please be so kind as not to request fictitious invoices or split invoices that seek to evade import duties as such requests cannot be accommodated.
You will now use the Proforma Invoice to arrange an international wire transfer (SWIFT transfer) through your bank. All the necessary information will on the invoice.
Upon receipt of your 50% deposit your Proforma Invoice will be replaced by a new Commercial Invoice which will contain the serial number of your machine. At the same time the parts and materials of the machine will be ordered.
When the parts and materials have been assembled, manufacturing of the machine can begin. Machines are normally manufactured in batches, and during this time it will seldom be practical to provide a progress update.The factory lead time is 6 weeks.

Approximately 2 to 3 weeks before the expected completion date you will be contacted with a view to the following:
Ordering the adhesive stock.
You will be supplied with the adhesive product code and contact details of the United States based supplier or their regional agents. Alternatively you may purchase your glue from the US.

You will need to start planning the final payment of the machine. You may make final payment at any time prior to the shipment of the machine.

Please understand that it is seldom possible to provide a definite completion date far in advance, unless extra time can be added to allow for uncertainties. Manufacturing delays usually manifest themselves in the last week of manufacturing, which makes just in time planning difficult. It is normally best to allow extra time in order that there should be less anxiety about meeting tights schedules.

When a definite completion date is known you will be informed.

Request a quotation


Visiting the factory in person: If you decide to attend a live demo at the factory before ordering, you will need two full business days for evaluation and operation training at our factory in George. Bear in mind that for customers who fly across time zones the first day or two can be exhausting on account of travel fatigue. If possible, you may wish to build an extra day or two into your programme in order to rest and be refreshed.

When you arrive in George, your training will commence upon your decision to purchase a unit. The length of training varies greatly, depending on the experience of the person involved and his mechanical aptitude. One of the most common mistakes is for trainees to overestimate their capabilities. Some concepts in the manufacturing of re-positional notes will be new to many users and it may take a little time to come to a full understanding. It would therefore be wise to allow enough time and mental energy to make the experience count.

70% of all sales occurs without a visit to the factory. In most cases prospective buyers will print and courier paper for us to glue. Upon evaluating the end product,  decisions are made.

Comprehensive training videos are issued. The operation of the machine is relatively basic – non printers can easily operate the unit. It is a ” one button” operation.


When training is completed the machine will be placed into a shipping crate and prepared for export.

Comprehensive training videos are available. The operation of the machine is relatively basic. Non printers can easily operate the unit. It is a “one-button”operation.

If you have not made the final balance of payment yet, this will be the time for payment. If your payment cannot be made at this time the factory reserves the right to make your machine available to another customer and extend your completion date accordingly.
When final payment has been received your machine will be available for your shipping company to collect. Take into account that shipping nearly always takes longer than anticipated for a variety of reasons. It would therefore be wise not to rely too heavily on just-in-time scheduling.
At this point your primary communication changes from your distribution agent to the factory itself. For technical communication all enquiries should now be addressed to the chief designer, which you will have met during training.

Request a quotation

Installation & support

When your machine arrives you have to inspect it carefully for signs of shipping damage. If any damage is noted it must be immediately communicated to your shipping company in order that any insurance claims may be processed, if needed.
When you unpack the crate, you will assemble and set up the machine in accordance with the installation training that you have received.
For most users it might take a little time to gain familiarity with the machine and its operation. You will want to experiment and gain confidence before committing to commercial orders right away. If there are any teething troubles that you cannot solve on your own, you are welcome to contact the factory directly to request telephonic or electronic assistance. The technicians at the factory are there to help you make a success of your operations so that you can make a success of your business.

We look forward to hearing positive feedback from you as a valued customer and look forward to being a partner on your road to constructive business.

Request a quotation