Powerbind is a privately-owned business that has been in existence for nearly 17 years.
The company started when CEO and founder, Wynand Boshoff went from owning one of the most prominent printing companies in Pretoria, to manufacturing post-press machinery. The company quickly grew from a home-based operation to a full factory. Powerbind (Pty)Ltd has become by far the biggest supplier of single-clamp perfect binding machines in Africa.
The company’s next achievement was the invention of a new book binding technology called “doublebinding” which created a mechanical process by which adhesive is placed not only on the tips of pages in a book block, but also in-between the individual pages. This yielded layflat books of unprecedented strength. This concept was so successful that the company stopped manufacturing perfect binding machines and switched to doublebinding machines exclusively.
Another landmark achievement was the invention of the smallest and most inexpensive sticky note machine in the world, the Special Adhesive Process, or “SAP” machine. This machine has the unique distinction of being the only machine of its kind that uses flat sheet paper in stead of roll-to-sheet. No dedicated printing machinery is required, which means that producers can print stock on any printing machine and in full colour. Pre-collation of sheets also makes variable data possible. All of these positions the SAP as the most unique machine of its kind on the market.
The company operates using a decentralized model whereby parts are manuctured by various suppliers, with product developing and testing as well as final assembly taking place at the factory. This makes lean manufacturing possible.
Powerbind sells and distributes directly from the factory.
The company structure is as follows:
- Manufacturing company: Powerbind BFS (Pty)Ltd.
- Additionally, a small number of ad hock resellers also sell and distribute Powerbind’s products in certain regional markets.
The aim of Powerbind is to continue introducing its products to more countries globally. Powerbind’s products are currently being used in 17 diffferent countries around the world.